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JULY 2013 Notices     Go back to Current Notices
We are closed Thursday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day.
All Online Services are unavailable Thursday, July 18th at 4:00 p.m. for approximately 2 hours.
We regret the inconvenience and urge all to plan accordingly.
16 The Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) effective January 1, 2014 is 2.1%. The updated MDWCC COLA document can be accessed from our Workers' Compensation Rates page.
8 Attention Practitioners ' New Procedure:

Effective Monday, July 22, 2013, a party to a compensation claim who has not received a medical authorization as required by COMAR, and after written request to any other party, may file a Motion to Compel Medical Authorization (WCC EX01 07/13). This new form is to be used by a party to a claim to move for an order compelling another party to provide an executed medical authorization.

Any party wishing to oppose the motion shall file a Response to Motion to Compel Medical Authorization (WCC EX02 07/13) within seven (7) days after being served with the motion.

Due to the short response time, the motion and response forms (available for use on July 22, 2013) may only be filed online via WFMS Online Services by subscribed Attorneys or their Attorney Proxy. Service must be made by hand-delivery or via facsimile (FAX). The Commission will rule on papers filed. An unrepresented claimant who wishes to file a response to a filed Motion to Compel Medical Authorization shall send a letter to the Commission to the attention of the Chairman.
3 The 2013 Online Annual Insurance Information Report IC-1 , instructions and supportive documentation are available.
  In accordance with the Regulatory Review and Evaluation Act (10-130 through 10-139 of the State Government Article), the Workers' Compensation Commission (the 'Commission') has reviewed and evaluated the following chapters: 14.09.01 - Procedural Regulations, 14.09.04 - Guide for Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 14.09.06 - Local Office Requirements for Insurers, 14.09.07 - Uninsured Employer's Fund Claims, 14.09.08 Open Meetings.
A notice of Opportunity for Public Comment was published in the May 31, 2013 issue of the Maryland Register.
Details can also be found on the Regulatory Changes page.